With the debates springing up around whether or not teachers are grooming children into beliefs by speaking about sex and gender at such young ages, I've seen a lot of people saying "it's normal for children to think about sex at these ages" as a sort of excuse for this behavior. I also saw a video made for children saying "looking at porn is normal". You may or may not be outraged by this. The morality of it isn't really my point here.
The reason I bring this up is to remind people to question their beliefs. Just because something is normal, does it make it beneficial?
We have a lot of behaviors and situations that have become normal but that doesn't mean they're actually good for us and our mental well-being, right?
Watching porn is considered normal today, but it wasn't considered normal when it first came out. Watching porn is certainly not normal behavior, if you take humanity's existence, as it's a really new phenomenon.
Some places have normalized wearing masks and informing others of your vaccination status. Does it make it good that it is normal now?
Divorce rates are high, is it a good thing that most of us are raised in broken families? Is it good that most people want to verbally argue or physically attack people when they get offended? Is it good that people are more likely to blame someone else than consider if they had any responsibility in how things have gone in their life?
Is it always good to be normal?
Some people say you shouldn't homeschool your child because then your child won't "fit in" with "normal" children. What if the normal child is not a well-adjusted child, and it's the weird homeschooled children who are happier? If that is the case, then who would want their child to fit in with children who are more likely to be depressed?
The original meaning of the word "holy" is something set apart or different from the common or "normal".
We sometimes get caught up in trying to be normal, we forget that being normal might not be all it's cracked up to be. Sometimes being unique or "holy" or different from what's considered the norm is actually the most beneficial for us.
Your experiences of the world are not always a reflection of reality. Your brain has to make decisions of what to focus on, & THAT is what you perceive. Your perception is not always correct because it's not built on all data. So question what you believe. "Is it true ?"
#perception #perceptions
Oftentimes on social media users will make "social comparisons." They see what other people are doing or looking like in their photos and think, "I wish I had that" or "I wish I looked like that." It's the "grass is always greener on the other side" type thinking.
Most people don't post the times when they don't look their best or when they're sick. Married couples don't post all the times they get into fights. It's easy for someone single to look at happy couple pictures on a timeline and think they'd feel better "if only they met someone."
Females may see made-up women or just filters like the ones in the video/article and feel self-conscious about their own looks. Males may see men with hard abs and wish they looked like that too. Check out the link to see how quickly some different poses and lighting can change your abs. https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/influencer-josephine-livin-reveals-truth-face-filters-body-morphing-tricks
We often miswant what others are showing on social media. I ...
If someone is criticizing you, you should ask, “Is it true?”
If it’s true, then there’s something you can do (work on it). But if it’s not true, why spend time worrying about their incorrect beliefs?
Many children internalize the criticisms they receive when younger. Some things may have been true, but they blew them up into larger problems than they were. Some critiques are just plain wrong (from people projecting their own issues onto the child).
It’s our responsibility to check to see if something is true or not. Otherwise, we’ll live a whole life thinking incorrect things about who we are.
Know Thyself.
Some misunderstand getting prayers answered or manifesting things and think it’s too easy so it must be incorrect. And they’ll ignorantly make fun of Christianity or the Law of Attraction belief that you can simply “Ask & Receive.” Of course, that comes from simplifying the belief down so much that it makes it incorrect.
In this article I discuss the caveats to getting what you ask for from both the Christian perspective and Law of Attraction perspective.
We all have limiting beliefs that can distort our view of reality. Because I deal with questioning beliefs, I more easily recognized these limiting beliefs in the "woke." I discuss how having limiting beliefs is like going through life with distorting glasses on in this article:
I also share a few things from James Lindsay (newdiscourses.locals.com) if you'd like to learn more about this from a slightly different perspective than mine.